


Work in Human, Mental Health, and Child Welfare Services requires that organizations are nimble and able to develop multiple partnerships and approaches to accomplish goals and build a resource base. In working with your leadership and agency, I will build the current implementation science and current trends in your field into our strategy for growth and development.
Leaders at all phases of experience seek ways to grow their skills and their organizations. Taking an organizational approach, I utilize materials building on the following (to name a few):

  • Adaptive Leadership Models
  • The Learning Organization Model
  • Strengths Based Leadership

Specific strategies are crafted in partnership with each leader and group to insure that training, coaching, and organizational thinking is relevant to the unique challenges each entity faces.

Training alone is rarely the only solution to building a robust practice and organization. As we continue to learn about sustainable practices and coping with change, organizations need to continuously assess and adjust their response to the environment and to ‘re-tool’ the workforce to best serve desired outcomes. Our partnerships on organizational alignment and solutions will be based on taking a whole system view of desired outcomes and finding the right place for consultation and professional development within your strategy for achievement.

Sample Approaches:

  • Aligning HR, Program Management, and Supervision with the Outcomes you seek.
  • Building feedback loops to promote learning from practice as implementation occurs.
  • Developing training, coaching, and organizational processes across the system and with stakeholders to support your goals.

Her incredible sense of collaboration, her very creative mind, her strong practice knowledge, her professionalism, her energy and her tenacity are all characteristics that contributed to a successful working partnership with the child welfare agency and staff. The bonus was her unfailing sense of humor!

-Karen Westburg, Former Child Welfare Director